
Sivén & Takala Arkkitehdit täyttää 40 vuotta!

22.11.2023 tuli kuluneeksi tasan 40 vuotta toimiston perustamisesta eli merkitsemisestä kaupparekisteriin. Juhlistimme päivää tällä kertaa pienimuotoisesti illallisella arkkitehtuurikohteessa, eli ravintola Savoyssa. Toimisto muisti yli puolet

Myllymatka ARK-lehdessä

Myllypuron seniorikeskus on mukana viimeisimmässä ARK-lehdessä, joka keskittyy hoivaympäristöjen arkkitehtuuriin. Vanhusten sairaalasta muokattiin nykyaikainen seniorikeskus Helsingin Myllypurossa. 1970-luvun rationaalinen arkkitehtuuri tarjosi joustavan kehikon muutoksille. Osuvasti,

Tennis voitto toistamiseen

Albert Rabaza Sivén & Takala Arkkitehdeilta voitti toistamiseen arkkitehtien ja suunnittelijoiden Durat Open 2023-tennisturnauksen.  

Asko Takala SAFAn puheenjohtajaksi

Suomen Arkkitehtiliiton (SAFA) liittovaltuusto on vahvistanut kokouksessaan arkkitehti Asko Takalan liiton uudeksi puheenjohtajaksi. Asko Takala tunnetaan asuntoarkkitehtuurin ja arkkitehtialan toimintaedellytysten pitkäjänteisenä kehittäjänä. SAFA tiedote

Toimisto vieraili THL:ssä

Toimisto pääsi viime viikolla vierailemaan THL:n Tilkanmäen kampuksen K-rakennuksen oikeuslääketieteellisissä tiloissa. Meillä annetiin perusteellinen kierros erikoislaboratoriotiloissa, ruumiinavaussalit mukaan lukien! Tämä on toimiston tähän mennessä monimutkaisin

Villa Tervas julkaisuja

Villa Tervas on mukana viimeisimmässä Arkkitehti-lehdessä. Kajaanissa sijaitseva omakotitalo esitellään yhtenä kohteena pienen mittakaavan asuin- ja vapaa-ajantaloista suomesta ja ulkomailta. Paikallisessa Kainuun Sanomissa Villa Tervasta

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Malmgreninranta Housing

The topping-out of the first apartment building of the second south lot by Sairaalakatu (Hospital Street in English) was celebrated at the end of June. We like to share here some early summer images of the first north lot completed last year.

The complex is based on a win in the 2014 land allocation planning competition. The protected hospital buildings on the old hospital site have been converted into apartments, and the yard has been complemented with new residential buildings. ⁠
The yard landscaping received the Pihakivi 2023 award as mentioned on our previous posting.

The new buildings, which enable economically the project, have been located on the north-west sides and between the old ones. The uneven ground has been a challenge for simultaneous accessibility and saving and repairing old beautiful entrances. The demand for balconies and terraces has been solved various ways as shown on the images. Some balconies have widened, some new have been added following the existing patterns. Some ground and basement floor apartments have new doors opening to the ground terraces.

The last image is of the planning phase 2015.
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Malmgreninranta Housing
The topping-out of the first apartment building of the second south lot by Sairaalakatu (Hospital Street in English) was celebrated at the end of June. We like to share here some early summer images of the first north lot completed last year.
The complex is based on a win in the 2014 land allocation planning competition. The protected hospital buildings on the old hospital site have been converted into apartments, and the yard has been complemented with new residential buildings. ⁠
The yard landscaping received the Pihakivi 2023 award as mentioned on our previous posting.
The new buildings, which enable economically the project, have been located on the north-west sides and between the old ones. The uneven ground has been a challenge for simultaneous accessibility and saving and repairing old beautiful entrances. The demand for balconies and terraces has been solved various ways as shown on the images. Some balconies have widened, some new have been added following the existing patterns. Some ground and basement floor apartments have new doors opening to the ground terraces.
The last image is of the planning phase 2015.

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Malmgreninranta Housing

The topping-out of the first apartment building of the second south lot by Sairaalakatu (Hospital Street in English) was celebrated at the end of June. We like to share here some early summer images of the first north lot completed last year.

The complex is based on a win in the 2014 land allocation planning competition. The protected hospital buildings on the old hospital site have been converted into apartments, and the yard has been complemented with new residential buildings. ⁠
The yard landscaping received the Pihakivi 2023 award as mentioned on our previous posting.

The new buildings, which enable economically the project, have been located on the north-west sides and between the old ones. The uneven ground has been a challenge for simultaneous accessibility and saving and repairing old beautiful entrances. The demand for balconies and terraces has been solved various ways as shown on the images. Some balconies have widened, some new have been added following the existing patterns. Some ground and basement floor apartments have new doors opening to the ground terraces.

The last image is of the planning phase 2015.
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Malmgreninranta Housing
The topping-out of the first apartment building of the second south lot by Sairaalakatu (Hospital Street in English) was celebrated at the end of June. We like to share here some early summer images of the first north lot completed last year.
The complex is based on a win in the 2014 land allocation planning competition. The protected hospital buildings on the old hospital site have been converted into apartments, and the yard has been complemented with new residential buildings. ⁠
The yard landscaping received the Pihakivi 2023 award as mentioned on our previous posting.
The new buildings, which enable economically the project, have been located on the north-west sides and between the old ones. The uneven ground has been a challenge for simultaneous accessibility and saving and repairing old beautiful entrances. The demand for balconies and terraces has been solved various ways as shown on the images. Some balconies have widened, some new have been added following the existing patterns. Some ground and basement floor apartments have new doors opening to the ground terraces.
The last image is of the planning phase 2015.

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