
Kotisatama Age friendly housing-julkaisussa

RIBA (The Royal Institute of British Architects) Publishing on julkaissut kirjan  Age-Friendly Housing / Future design for older people, tekijät Julia Park & Jeremy Porteus.

Naisia huipulla – kuuntele Kirstiä Yle:n sarjassa

Toimittaja Anna-Liisa Haavikko haastatteli Kirstiä asumisen muodoista ja tulevaisuudesta – ja siitä millaista on olla luova ja töitä kilpailuillakin hankkiva yrittäjä. Ohjelman ensiesitys oli 28.3.2018. Kuuntele ohjelma

Tilaa asumiselle

Rakennammeko tiloja tekniikalle vai asumiselle? Asuinrakentamista koskevat määräykset ja käytännöt ovat johtaneet yhä moni-mutkaisempiin ratkaisuihin, ei vähintään talotekniikan osalta. Kasvava kanavien, kaapelien, mittareiden ja laitteiden

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Johanna -block, Sompasaari,, Kalasatama, Helsinki, 2024,

Designed as a single set, is divided into three plots and housing companies; a social rental, a right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied, prize controlled company. There is a separate daycare project designed by #verstas Architects on the north side. A parking garage is located under most the the yard, leaving space fo some real trees on this former harbour site. The yard was designed together with #sitowise landscaping architects.

One of the special features of the project is the low-energy experimental construction. The social rental housing unit is a joint Energypilot project of the City of Helsinki housing, Heka and Helen. The building has both ventilation and waste water heat recovery systems, solar panels on the water roofs and photovoltaic glasses in the glass wall of the stairwell and parts of the facades. The site of the unit is the least optimal corner the site to provide generally reasonable results. Part of the photovoltaic panels are integrated in a large stairway window filtering sunshine and reducing overheating. The rest of the heat is collected with heat recovery system.
The apartments are spatially clear, the family apartments are usually designed as a through frame so that the living room-dining area receives natural light from different directions depending on the day. The right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied apartments in the yard level have a small uncovered terrace on the yard side in addition to a balcony on the second floor. These companies also have a few two-story apartments, the lower floor of which is a good meter above the street level and therefore has three outdoor spaces.

Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo #onearchitecture
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Johanna -block, Sompasaari,, Kalasatama, Helsinki, 2024, 
Designed as a single set, is divided into three plots and housing companies; a social rental, a right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied, prize controlled company. There is a separate daycare project designed by #verstas Architects on the north side. A parking garage is located under most the the yard, leaving space fo some real trees on this former harbour site. The yard was designed together with #sitowise landscaping architects.
One of the special features of the project is the low-energy experimental construction. The social rental housing unit is a joint Energypilot project of the City of Helsinki housing, Heka and Helen. The building has both ventilation and waste water heat recovery systems, solar panels on the water roofs and photovoltaic glasses in the glass wall of the stairwell and parts of the facades. The site of the unit is the least optimal corner the site to provide generally reasonable results. Part of the photovoltaic panels are integrated in a large stairway window filtering sunshine and reducing overheating. The rest of the heat is collected with heat recovery system.
The apartments are spatially clear, the family apartments are usually designed as a through frame so that the living room-dining area receives natural light from different directions depending on the day. The right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied apartments in the yard level have a small uncovered terrace on the yard side in addition to a balcony on the second floor. These companies also have a few two-story apartments, the lower floor of which is a good meter above the street level and therefore has three outdoor spaces.
Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo #onearchitecture

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Johanna -block, Sompasaari,, Kalasatama, Helsinki, 2024,

Designed as a single set, is divided into three plots and housing companies; a social rental, a right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied, prize controlled company. There is a separate daycare project designed by #verstas Architects on the north side. A parking garage is located under most the the yard, leaving space fo some real trees on this former harbour site. The yard was designed together with #sitowise landscaping architects.

One of the special features of the project is the low-energy experimental construction. The social rental housing unit is a joint Energypilot project of the City of Helsinki housing, Heka and Helen. The building has both ventilation and waste water heat recovery systems, solar panels on the water roofs and photovoltaic glasses in the glass wall of the stairwell and parts of the facades. The site of the unit is the least optimal corner the site to provide generally reasonable results. Part of the photovoltaic panels are integrated in a large stairway window filtering sunshine and reducing overheating. The rest of the heat is collected with heat recovery system.
The apartments are spatially clear, the family apartments are usually designed as a through frame so that the living room-dining area receives natural light from different directions depending on the day. The right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied apartments in the yard level have a small uncovered terrace on the yard side in addition to a balcony on the second floor. These companies also have a few two-story apartments, the lower floor of which is a good meter above the street level and therefore has three outdoor spaces.

Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo #onearchitecture
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Johanna -block, Sompasaari,, Kalasatama, Helsinki, 2024, 
Designed as a single set, is divided into three plots and housing companies; a social rental, a right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied, prize controlled company. There is a separate daycare project designed by #verstas Architects on the north side. A parking garage is located under most the the yard, leaving space fo some real trees on this former harbour site. The yard was designed together with #sitowise landscaping architects.
One of the special features of the project is the low-energy experimental construction. The social rental housing unit is a joint Energypilot project of the City of Helsinki housing, Heka and Helen. The building has both ventilation and waste water heat recovery systems, solar panels on the water roofs and photovoltaic glasses in the glass wall of the stairwell and parts of the facades. The site of the unit is the least optimal corner the site to provide generally reasonable results. Part of the photovoltaic panels are integrated in a large stairway window filtering sunshine and reducing overheating. The rest of the heat is collected with heat recovery system.
The apartments are spatially clear, the family apartments are usually designed as a through frame so that the living room-dining area receives natural light from different directions depending on the day. The right-of-occupancy and a owner occupied apartments in the yard level have a small uncovered terrace on the yard side in addition to a balcony on the second floor. These companies also have a few two-story apartments, the lower floor of which is a good meter above the street level and therefore has three outdoor spaces.
Photos: Tuomas Uusheimo #onearchitecture

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